Nothing brought happiness to me like this Year, It has been the best. Talk of good memories, Blessings ,Love from all corners, name it all. Positivity has flowed over the year and I thank God for letting me turn a year older and wiser....Never felt this young before (LOL)...HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY TO ME **happy dance**
So,on this day I thought I should compile and share with you the little things I have learnt this year ...Hopefully some of you can also share with me lessons learnt or experiences of the year :--))
- Cats are the most caring creatures--- LOL,I know you all did not see this coming but here it is, Kitty was the most caring creature I had (wish was able to share pics)... Ask more if need be.
- YOU NEVER KNOW---Dont judge people you dont know anyone in this world. Its not easy to smile with a broken heart
- YOU CAN NEVER CHANGE PEOPLE---Its not easy to change situations and peoples behavior. A behaviour changed is a personal decision.
- HEALTHY EATING--- Easiest thing to do and its also the hardest thing my best friend could ever think of.
- Everyone has something they 'know' they should do... and they are not doing it ,thats ,me and you.
Writing u this blog on my Birthday, is the best present I could have given myself on the special day... Off to clebrate now!!Have a cold champagne for me guys :--))